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Pon Enterprises and Competitiveness 2014-2020

Aim of this program is to encourage the economic development and to enhance the presence of Italian business in the global production context as well.

Purposes of this investment program, as per CDS000475, are:

  1. To improve company’s capability and flexibility
  2. To optimize production’s flexibility levels by enabling the reduction of set-up machine in orded to maximize the performances, especially on short runs and on less added value products for wich short lead time represent a major factor for competitiveness.
  3. To increase levels of efficiency, thanks to the extension of the solvent recovery system that allows materials recovery. In this way a reduction of environmental impact is guaranteed, in accordance with LD 152/2006, as well as the re-use of raw materials ( acetate in particular, for which a reduction of 1ML kg with a saving of 1ML€ is estimated).